Mercenary_CursedChild Skills /14
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin emits 3 ghostly souls at enemies, each Haunting their victims and dealing 90%{else}moderate Shadow damage over 10 seconds. If a target dies while being Haunted, its soul jumps to another target.

Aldkin's Mercenary Core Skill alters his Fate and Basic Attack.
Fate: Forsaken
Basic Attack: Shadow Strike
Aldkin shoots a burst of darkness at an enemy, dealing 30%{else}light Shadow damage.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin desiccates an area for 6 seconds, Slowing enemies within by 40% and reducing their damage dealt by 20%.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin chains up to 10 enemies to himself, Tethering to them and dealing 84%{else}moderate Shadow damage over 2.5 seconds.

When the chains expire, they deal 35%{else}light Shadow damage and Stun their victims for 2.5 |4second;seconds.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin channels a cone of flame for 4 seconds, repeatedly dealing 80%{else}moderate Fire damage.

Aldkin's Mercenary Core Skill alters his Fate and Basic Attack.
Fate: Aflame
Basic Attack: Fire Shot
Aldkin hurls a flaming bolt at an enemy, dealing 40% Fire damage and 55% Burning damage over{else}light Fire damage and lightly Burning for 4 seconds.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin rains a Fire Storm down from the sky that deals 300%{else}massive Fire damage on impact and remains on the ground for 10 seconds. Every second, the Fire Storm Burns enemies within for 55% damage over{else}lightly Burns enemies for 2.5 seconds.

Enemies hit by Fire Storm's impact or aftershocks have a 30% chance to be Stunned for 1 |4second;seconds.
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin conjures a mass of flames forward, repeatedly dealing 300%{else}massive Fire damage, Knocking Back enemies, and destroying small missiles.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a 30% chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Mercenary_CursedChild Skill Tree /18
Flame Surge
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin channels a cone of flame for 4 seconds, repeatedly dealing 80%{else}moderate Fire damage.

Aldkin's Mercenary Core Skill alters his Fate and Basic Attack.
Fate: Aflame
Basic Attack: Fire Shot
Aldkin hurls a flaming bolt at an enemy, dealing 40% Fire damage and 55% Burning damage over{else}light Fire damage and lightly Burning for 4 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin emits 3 ghostly souls at enemies, each Haunting their victims and dealing 90%{else}moderate Shadow damage over 10 seconds. If a target dies while being Haunted, its soul jumps to another target.

Aldkin's Mercenary Core Skill alters his Fate and Basic Attack.
Fate: Forsaken
Basic Attack: Shadow Strike
Aldkin shoots a burst of darkness at an enemy, dealing 30%{else}light Shadow damage.
Ranks: 1
Storm of Fire
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin rains a Fire Storm down from the sky that deals 300%{else}massive Fire damage on impact and remains on the ground for 10 seconds. Every second, the Fire Storm Burns enemies within for 55% damage over{else}lightly Burns enemies for 2.5 seconds.

Enemies hit by Fire Storm's impact or aftershocks have a [30|%|] chance to be Stunned for [1|1|] |4second;seconds.
Ranks: 1
Wave of Flame
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin conjures a mass of flames forward, repeatedly dealing 300%{else}massive Fire damage, Knocking Back enemies, and destroying small missiles.
Ranks: 1
Field of Languish
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin desiccates an area for 6 seconds, Slowing enemies within by [40|%|] and reducing their damage dealt by [20|s%|].
Ranks: 1
Chain of Souls
Cooldown: 0 seconds
Aldkin chains up to 10 enemies to himself, Tethering to them and dealing 84%{else}moderate Shadow damage over 2.5 seconds.

When the chains expire, they deal 35%{else}light Shadow damage and Stun their victims for [2.5|1|] |4second;seconds.
Ranks: 1
Hits of Aldkin's Haunt have a [30|%|] chance to inflict Vulnerable on enemies for 4 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Aldkin's Shadow damage has a [5|%|] chance to Daze enemies for 2 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Languishing enemies take [15|x%|] increased damage from you.

Lucky Hit: Attacks against Languishing enemies have up to a [20|%|] chance to Daze them for [1|1|] |4second;seconds.
Ranks: 1
You instantly kill Languishing enemies with less than [40|%|] Life. Does not work on Elites.
Ranks: 1
Shared Pain
Aldkin's Chain of Souls Cooldown is reduced by 1.5 seconds when a chained target dies.
Ranks: 1
Amplified Suffering
Damaging a Soul Chained enemy detonates the chain early, dealing 50%{else}light Shadow damage around them.
Ranks: 1
Covered in Ash
Hits of Aldkin's Flame Surge Slow enemies by [20|%|] and deal an additional 60%{else}additional moderate Burning damage over 3 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Raging Violence
Allies gain [15|+%|] Critical Strike Chance against enemies affected by Flame Surge.
Ranks: 1
Ember's Gift
You restore [33|%|] of your Primary Resource per second while inside Aldkin's Fire Storm.
Ranks: 1
Enemies killed within Aldkin's Fire Storm explode for 120%{else}heavy Fire damage.
Ranks: 1
Raging Havoc
Enemies damaged by Aldkin's Wave of Flame take [15|x%|] increased Damage Over Time for 4 seconds.
Ranks: 1
Burning Chaos
Aldkin's Wave of Flame Cooldown resets when you cast an Ultimate Skill.
Ranks: 1