References to this File
References to other File
  • ShaderMap/monster_opaque
  • MaterialValueSet/S03_boss
  • Texture/S03_Boss_Head_color
  • Texture/S03_Boss_Head_normal
  • Texture/S03_boss_emissiveLightning
  • Texture/S03_Boss_Head_rough
  • Texture/S03_Boss_Head_metal
  • Texture/S03_Boss_Head_ao
  • Texture/S03_boss_emissiveMask
  • MaterialValue/emissive multiplier
  • MaterialValue/color lerp
  • MaterialValue/emissive color lerp
  • MaterialValue/Alpha Dissolve
  • MaterialValue/Color Hitflash Enabled
  • MaterialValue/World Z Offset - Vertex Anim
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Power Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Slope Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Inverse Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Fur Aniso Strength
  • MaterialValue/Wetness Bias
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Minimum Brightness
  • MaterialValue/AO Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Env Dir X
  • MaterialValue/Env Dir Y
  • MaterialValue/Env Dir Z
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Color Source
  • MaterialValue/Fresnel Double Sided
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Min
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Max
  • MaterialValue/Emissive Texture Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Exposure Compensation Enabled
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Soft Alpha
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Alpha Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Emissive Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Emissive Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Noise Type
  • MaterialValue/Enable Vertex Animation
  • MaterialValue/Stealth Fresnel Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Stealth Inner Flow Speed
  • MaterialValue/Use Hit Flash Proximity Mask
  • MaterialValue/Hit Flash Proximity Distance
  • MaterialValue/Death Darken Multiplier
  • MaterialValue/Death Darken Duration
  • MaterialValue/Keyhole Fresnel Power
  • MaterialValue/Keyhole Brightness
  • MaterialValue/Stealth Edge Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Stealth Inner Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Stealth Noise Size
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Alpha Scalar
  • MaterialValue/Fur Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Skin Emissive
  • MaterialValue/Cylindrical UV Projection Direction
  • MaterialValue/Invert Cylindrical UVs
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Bias
  • MaterialValue/Override Falloff Height
  • MaterialValue/Enable Override Falloff
  • MaterialValue/Ghost Prepass Alpha Boost
  • MaterialValue/Receive Icicles when Frozen
  • MaterialValue/Fur Shell Extrusion Factor
  • MaterialValue/Bloodiness Bias
  • MaterialValue/Comb Map Root Factor
  • MaterialValue/Fur Metalness
  • MaterialValue/Fur Root Roughness
  • MaterialValue/Fur Tip Roughness
  • MaterialValue/First Fur Shell Index Threshold
  • MaterialValue/Comb Map Intensity
  • MaterialValue/Hit Flash NormalMap Influence
  • MaterialValue/color
  • MaterialValue/emissive color
  • MaterialValue/Translucency Color Hero
  • MaterialValue/Ghost_Color
  • MaterialValue/Blood Color
  • Surface/Stone
  • 1749672
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