Unique /21
Unique Wand
800 Item Power

1,838 Damage Per Second
  • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
  • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +0.0387 Life On Hit
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 40% Chance to Deal +6000 Fire Damage

  • +[99 – 113] Intelligence
  • +[8 – 12.5]% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +[36.5 – 50]% Chance for [0.365 – 0.5] to Deal Double Damage
  • +[14 – 16] to Incinerate
  • While Channeling Incinerate, you periodically shoot embers that are attracted to enemies, each dealing [3700 * [1 – 2]] Fire damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • The burn may heal, but the pain is eternal.
    Unique Wand
    800 Item Power

    1,838 Damage Per Second
    • [1,225 – 1,838] Damage per Hit
    • 1.20 Attacks per Second (Very Fast)
  • +[3] Maximum Evade |4Charge:Charges;
  • Attacks Reduce Evade's Cooldown by 1.5 |4Second:Seconds;

  • +[[4.7 – 6.5]*100|1%|] Teleport Damage
  • +[36.5 – 50]% Chance for [0.365 – 0.5] to Deal Double Damage
  • +[88 – 102] Intelligence
  • +[23 – 27] to Teleport
  • Gain the effect of the Teleport Enchantment for free. When you Evade using Teleport Enchantment you are taken to a random location.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "The rhythm of the orb, which had pulsed steadily for five centuries, quickened as its owner took his final ragged breaths. It were as if some intelligence within reveled in the sight."
    - Master Eos
    Unique Staff
    800 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [2,941 – 4,412] Damage per Hit
    • 1.00 Attacks per Second
  • +170% Fire Damage

  • +[57 – 75]% Chance for Fireball Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[37 – 55]% Fireball Projectile Speed
  • +[15 – 17] to Fireball
  • +[176 – 204] Intelligence
  • Every 3rd cast of Fireball launches 2 additional projectiles and deals x[50 – 90]% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "Leaving even blackened bones for your kin to mourn is too good an end for you."
    - Josiah
    Unique Staff
    800 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [2,941 – 4,412] Damage per Hit
    • 1.00 Attacks per Second
  • +170% Lightning Damage

  • +[57 – 75]% Chance for Charged Bolts Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[176 – 204] Intelligence
  • +[15 – 17] to Charged Bolts
  • [27 – 45]% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Your casts of Charged Bolts have a [40 – 80]% chance to be attracted to enemies and last 300% longer.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "Also known as the Greatstaff of the Old Religion, this powerful relic is one of only a small handful of Skatsimi artifacts that have survived to this day."
    - Barrett's Book of Implements
    Unique Amulet
    800 Item Power

  • +30% Resistance to All Elements

  • +[10.5 – 15]% Intelligence
  • [1.4 – 2]% Damage Reduction per Crackling Energy Charge
  • +[16 – 25]% Movement Speed for 4 Seconds After Picking Up Crackling Energy
  • +[[3.65 – 5]*100|1%|] Crackling Energy Damage
  • Upon collecting Crackling Energy, there's a 15% chance to release a lightning nova, dealing [3700 * [1.2 – 2.4]] Lightning damage, increased by 120% for every 100 Intelligence you have.

    Current Bonus: [Floor(Owner.Intelligence_Total / 100) * 120|x%|](Sorcerer Only)
  • The only thing more potent than Esadora's magic was her endless hatred of humanity. As she lay dying, the pale amulet around her neck drank in both.
    Unique Amulet
    800 Item Power

  • Conjuration Cooldowns are Reduced by +0.3 Seconds when a Frozen Orb Explodes

  • +[13 – 17.5]% Chance for Frozen Orb Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[57 – 75]% Non-Physical Damage
  • +[10 – 11] to Conjuration Mastery
  • +[10 – 12]% Resistance to All Elements
  • Casting Frozen Orb has a [35 – 65]% chance to spawn a random Conjuration when it explodes.

    Lucky Hit: Your Conjurations have up to a [50 – 90]% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at Nearby enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Winterglass refracts light and also manipulates mana - forming complex arrays of spells and enchantments. These distinct characteristics possess great power, yet the outcomes remain unpredictable.
    Unique Boots
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • Evade Grants +125% Movement Speed for 3 |4Second:Seconds;

  • +X% Movement Speed
  • +[57 – 75]% Critical Strike Damage
  • +[8 – 12.5]% Movement Speed for 7 |4Second:Seconds; After Killing an Elite
  • +[10 – 12]% Resistance to All Elements
  • Your Critical Strike Chance is increased by [20 – 40]% of your Movement Speed bonus.

    Current Bonus: [(Min(Owner.Movement_Scalar_Capped_Total,2)-1) * ([20 – 40])|1%|](Sorcerer Only)
  • "While scholars have proven these boots were not created by Esu herself, it is noteworthy that they have been passed down since the formation of the Mage Clans."
    - Barrett's Book of Implements
    Unique Boots
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • Evade Grants +125% Movement Speed for 3 |4Second:Seconds;

  • +[10.5 – 17.5]% Movement Speed
  • +[14 – 28]% Movement Speed for 4 |4Second:Seconds; After Killing an Elite
  • [4.2 – 7]% Mana Cost Reduction
  • +[14 – 21]% Critical Strike Damage
  • Your Critical Strike Chance is increased by [20 – 40]% of your Movement Speed bonus.

    Current Bonus: [(Min(Owner.Movement_Scalar_Capped_Total,2)-1) * ([20 – 40])|1%|](Sorcerer Only)
  • [ph]
    Unique Chest Armor
    800 Item Power

    1,400 Armor
  • +[80 – 94] Intelligence
  • +[6 – 7] to Elemental Attunement
  • +[6.5 – 7.5] to Shocking Impact
  • +[6.5 – 7.5] to Glass Cannon
  • After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned for [2 – 3] seconds, but Teleport's Cooldown is increased by 20%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • The power you have is never enough.
    Unique Chest Armor
    800 Item Power

    1,400 Armor
  • +[51 – 65] Intelligence
  • +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Close Enemies
  • +[16.5 – 23.5]% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • +1.4 to Glass Cannon
  • After using Teleport, Close enemies are Pulled to you and Stunned for [2 – 3] seconds, but Teleport's Cooldown is increased by 20%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • [ph]
    Unique Gloves
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • +[9 – 11]% Critical Strike Chance
  • +[10.5 – 15]% Fireball Attack Speed
  • +[[6 – 7]] Mana when a Fireball Explodes
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Fireball
  • Fireball now bounces as it travels, exploding each time it hits the ground, but its explosion deals [70 – 100]% of normal damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • After Inarius returned to Sanctuary, he sought a way back to the High Heavens. His first step was to reignite the religion he had abandoned millennia before: the Cathedral of Light.
    Unique Gloves
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • +[6 – 7] to Pyromancy Skills
  • +[13.5 – 22.5]% Chance for Fire Bolt Projectiles to Cast Twice
  • +[8.25 – 10]% Attack Speed
  • +[31.5 – 45]% Firewall Size
  • Casting Fire Bolt through your Firewall causes it to split into 3 bolts, each dealing x[30 – 100]% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Driven to surpass Esu, the wizard Naridan's reckless enchantments caused an inferno, devastating the ancient town of Cagrim. Only the gauntlets remained - a solemn warning to all who dare tame fire.
    Unique Gloves
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • +[57 – 75]% Non-Physical Damage
  • +[18.5 – 27.5]% Chance for [0.185 – 0.275] to Hit Twice
  • +[41.5 – 55]% Familiar Size
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Familiar
  • Casting Familiar now summons all three elemental variants at once.

    Familiar's duration is increased by x[25 – 50]% and its Cooldown is reduced by 2 seconds, but its maximum Charges are reduced by 1.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "While known for their proclivity for mischief, the Sidhe, as the Druids call them, are fiercely loyal and will defend all they consider friend..."  - Sarnakyle
    Unique Gloves
    800 Item Power

    400 Armor
  • +[9.5 – 16.5]% Attack Speed
  • +[21 – 35]% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +[2 – 3] to Fire Bolt
  • +[1.4 – 2] to Devouring Blaze
  • Casting Fire Bolt through your Firewall causes it to split into 3 bolts, each dealing x[30 – 100]% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • [ph]
    Unique Helm
    800 Item Power

    1,000 Armor
  • +[14 – 16] to Meteor
  • [8.1 – 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
  • +[18.5 – 27.5]% Meteor Size
  • +[88 – 102] Intelligence
  • Meteor's Mana cost is replaced with a [4 – 10] second Cooldown and [2] total Charges.

    Casting Meteor drops 3 additional Meteors around the target. Its Enchantment and Enhancement drop 1 additional Meteor instead.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "The elders say they saw a star falling from the sky many years ago. A sign from the heavens that the end times were nigh. A rallying cry to take up arms and protect Sanctuary!"
    - Crusader Hamilton
    Unique Pants
    800 Item Power

    800 Armor
  • +[57.5 – 80]% Cold Resistance
  • +[[1.365 – 1.47]] Maximum Life
  • +[57 – 75]% Frost Nova Size
  • +[4 – 6]% to Shatter's Damage Echo
  • Enemies that die while Frozen have a [21 – 40]% chance to unleash a Frost Nova.(Sorcerer Only)
  • The mad artisan saw his fingers turn black from frostbite as he worked the cloth, but refused to stay the needle and thread for even a moment.
    Unique Pants
    800 Item Power

    800 Armor
  • [23.5 – 32.5]% Resource Generation and Maximum
  • +[13.5 – 22.5]% Chance for [0.135 – 0.225] to Hit Twice
  • [10.5 – 15]% Damage Reduction
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Chain Lightning
  • Chain Lightning alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to 3 enemies. When it returns, it drains 6 Mana from you for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 total Mana, the bolt explodes for [3700 * [1.5 – 6]] Lightning Damage.
    Chain Lightning expires if you don't have enough Mana for it to drain.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "Do not confuse your manipulation of lightning as control. The azure flame is its own master and needs no hand to wield it. You are merely a conduit for its chaos." -Ascribed to the mage Woh
    Unique Pants
    800 Item Power

    800 Armor
  • +[[8 – 16]] Maximum Mana
  • +[40 – 50]% Lightning Resistance
  • [11.52 – 15.72]% Damage Reduction
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Chain Lightning
  • Chain Lightning alternates between orbiting you and seeking up to 3 enemies. When it returns, it drains 6 Mana from you for each active Chain Lightning. After draining 66 total Mana, the bolt explodes for [3700 * [1.5 – 6]] Lightning Damage.
    Chain Lightning expires if you don't have enough Mana for it to drain.(Sorcerer Only)
  • [ph]
    Unique Ring
    800 Item Power

  • +12.5% Resistance to All Elements
  • +12.5% Cold Resistance

  • +[[2.51 – 3.5]*100|1%|] Ice Spike Damage
  • +[[1.295 – 1.7]*100|1%|] Cold Damage
  • +[9 – 11]% Critical Strike Chance
  • +[26 – 35]% Chance for Ice Spikes to Explode Twice
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 30% chance to form an exploding Ice Spike, dealing [3700 * [0.5 – 1]] Cold damage. Triple this chance if the enemy is Frozen.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "Her lover's spirit faded, and in her sorrow she wept frozen tears. Where they fell, roses of the purest ice would blossom each winter."
    - Greenslade's Tales, Chapter 7: "The Myth of Irina Coldheart"
    Unique Ring
    800 Item Power

  • +12.5% Resistance to All Elements
  • +5% Resistance to All Elements

  • +[57 – 75]% Non-Physical Damage
  • [8.1 – 8.8]% Cooldown Reduction
  • +X% Lucky Hit Chance
  • +[7.5 – 8.5] to Potent Warding
  • Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your damage by x[10 – 25]% for 8 seconds, stacking once per element. Casting again refreshes all bonuses if the previous skill was a different Element.(Sorcerer Only)
  • "Fool said he dug it out of the sands near Lut Gholein with a few other 'worthless trinkets'. I hid my delight at receiving such a treasure in exchange for a meager handful of coins."
    - Rakhaan
    Unique Staff
    800 Item Power

    3,677 Damage Per Second
    • [2,941 – 4,412] Damage per Hit
    • 1.00 Attacks per Second
  • +16% Lucky Hit Chance

  • +[[1.14 – 1.5] * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +[13 – 15] to Basic Skills
  • +[26 – 35]% Core Attack Speed
  • +[160 – 188] Intelligence
  • Casting a Core Skill additionally fires 2 instances of Fire Bolt, Frost Bolt, or Spark, matching the elements of your last 2 non-Core Skill casts. These projectiles deal x[30 – 90]% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Your incantations are echoed by a chorus of the damned. Wield their torment, their vengeance, their pain against the Hellborne that tortured them.
    Legendary /61
    Sorcerer, Offensive
  • Casting Frozen Orb has a [35 – 65]% chance to spawn a random Conjuration when it explodes.

    Lucky Hit: Your Conjurations have up to a [50 – 90]% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at Nearby enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • The Avalanche Key Passive now applies to 2 additional |4cast:casts;.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Crackling Energy has a 35% chance to deal x40.000000596046% increased damage and chain to an additional enemy.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Explosions from the Shatter Key Passive deal x30% increased damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • When you Freeze an enemy, you deal [5550] Cold damage to them.

    This effect is treated as a Frost Skill.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Every 3 seconds, you zap a nearby enemy for [5550] Lightning damage.

    This effect is treated as a Shock Skill.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • When newly Burning an enemy, you deal an additional [2775] Fire damage to them.

    This effect is treated as a Pyromancy Skill.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Utility, Codex of Power
  • Flame Shield grants you Unhindered for its duration. Enemies you move through while Flame Shield is active are Immobilized for 1.5 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • While within your own Blizzard and for 3 seconds after leaving it, you take 15% less damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Fetid Mausoleum in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Increase the Critical Strike Damage of Meteor and Fireball by x25%. Double this bonus against Healthy targets.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Serpent's Lair in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Charged Bolts pierce, but deal x70% less damage to targets hit after the first.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Wretched Delve in Scosglen OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • Frost Nova gains an additional Charge but the Cooldown per Charge is increased by 55%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • Collecting Crackling Energy increases your Movement Speed by +15% for 8 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Maddux Watch in Scosglen OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Ball Lightning pulls enemies with it as it travels.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Frozen Orb deals 30% increased damage and explodes an additional time.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • You may have 1 additional Hydra active, and Hydra's duration is increased by 10%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • A hail of Meteorites falls during Inferno, dealing [1850] Fire damage on impact. Your Meteorites Immobilize enemies for 3 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While channeling Incinerate, your Burning damage is increased by x25%.

    Enemies damaged by Incinerate explode, Burning all surrounding enemies for [2960] over 6 seconds. Can only occur once every 3 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Light's Watch in Fractured Peaks OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While both bonuses from the Esu's Ferocity Key Passive are active, your Attack Speed is increased by 35%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • You deal [0.30000001192093 /500|x%|] increased Burning damage to enemies for each second they remain Burning, up to x30.000001192093% after 5 seconds. Additionally, you deal x10% increased Burning damage to enemies that are not Healthy.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Lucky Hit: Damage from your Pyromancy Skills has up to a 7% chance to restore 10 Mana.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Tomb of the Saints in Kehjistan OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Sorcerer, Utility, Codex of Power
  • After Immobilize or Stun wears off, enemies are Slowed by 45% for 4 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Earthen Wound in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • Coming in contact with your Firewall grants you +10% Movement Speed for 6 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Cultist Refuge in Fractured Peaks OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Meteorites fall around Meteor, dealing 30% of Meteor's damage on impact. Your Meteorites additionally Burn enemies they hit for [3700 * 30 * Affix."Static Value 0 / 100"] damage over 6 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • When you cast Blizzard it will periodically spawn exploding Ice Spikes that deal [55500] damage. Your Ice Spikes Chill enemies for 0.5%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • Casting Ice Armor makes you Unstoppable and grants 25% Damage Reduction for 3.5 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Sarat's Lair in Scosglen OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While Ice Armor is active, you leave behind exploding Ice Spikes that deal [555] damage. Your Ice Spikes deal x80% increased damage to Frozen enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Ice Shards pierce [ceil(1/(25/100))-1] times, dealing 25% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Dead Man's Dredge in Fractured Peaks OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • While Deep Freeze is active, you restore 15% of your Maximum Life and Mana per second.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Utility, Codex of Power
  • Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by +10% while you have a Barrier active.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • When you Freeze an enemy there is a 25% chance they become Vulnerable for 3 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Forgotten Depths in Dry Steppes OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • You deal x15% increased damage while Ice Armor is active. This amount is increased by another [Affix."Static Value 0|%x|"] against Frozen enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Onyx Hold in Dry Steppes OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While Deep Freeze is active, exploding Ice Spikes form in the area, dealing [1850] Cold damage. Your Ice Spikes have a 100% increased explosion radius.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Unstable Currents has a 25% chance to cast an additional Shock Skill.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Each time Chain Lightning bounces, gain 1 Mana.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Zenith in Fractured Peaks OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Ball Lightning orbits around you and deal x10% increased damage. You may have up to 10 Ball Lightnings and casting more increases the damage of the existing ones by 10.000000149012% each.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • The Vyr's Mastery Key Passive also grants 6% Damage Reduction, tripled while fighting a Close enemy.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Critical Hits with Lightning Spear cause lightning to arc from it dealing [1850] damage to its target and up to 5 other enemies. This damage is increased by x100% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Crumbling Hekma in Kehjistan OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Chain Lightning has a 25% chance to chain 5 additional times.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • Teleport's Cooldown is reduced by 1 seconds. After Teleporting, Crackling Energy hits 2 additional enemies for 5 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Komdor Temple in Dry Steppes OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • While Unstable Currents is not active, your Shock Skills have a 6.5% chance to trigger a free cast from it.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Using a Cooldown restores 10 Mana.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Witchwater in Hawezar OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • Taking direct damage has a 2% chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Putrid Aquifer in Kehjistan OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Core Skills cast at or above 100 Mana gain a +25% increased Critical Strike Chance.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Pallid Delve in Dry Steppes OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • Casting a Conjuration Skill grants you x15% Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • You deal x20% more damage to Immobilized, Stunned, or Frozen enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Sunken Library in Kehjistan OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • You take 10% less damage from Crowd Controlled or Vulnerable enemies.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Casting a Basic Skill reduces the Mana cost of your next Core or Mastery Skill by 35%.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Unlocked by completing Domhainne Tunnels in Scosglen OR salvaging a Legendary item with {s3}
    Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Sorcerer, Defensive, Codex of Power
  • After spending 125 Mana your next Firewall is free to cast and will destroy incoming Small Missiles.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Pants, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Lucky Hit: When your Conjuration Skills hit you have up to a 25% chance to gain +1 Rank to your Conjuration skills for 12 seconds. This can stack up to 5 times.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Ice Blades' chance to apply Vulnerable is increased by +20% and the Vulnerable duration is increased by 4 seconds. You gain x15% Vulnerable Damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Incinerate splits into 3 beams, each dealing x70% of normal damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Deal x25% increased damage while you have no Defensive Skills on your Action Bar.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Mobility, Codex of Power
  • Gain +5% Movement Speed. This bonus is doubled if you haven't used a Defensive Skill in the last 8 seconds.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Boots, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Utility, Codex of Power
  • Gain the Flame Shield Enchantment for free.

    When Flame Shield activates, Meteorites fall around you dealing [1850] Fire damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Utility, Codex of Power
  • Lucky Hit: Up to a 5% chance to reduce the Cooldown of your Ultimate Skill by 2 seconds. Can only happen once per Skill cast.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Helm, Chest Armor, Gloves, Boots, Shield, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Resource, Codex of Power
  • Casting a Pyromancy, Shock, or Frost Skill increases your Mana Regeneration by x10% for 5 seconds, once per element.

    At maximum stacks, the total bonus is increased to x60% for 10 seconds, but all stacks expire afterwards.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Ring
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Chain Lightning has a 25% chance to deal x50% increased damage. This chance is doubled against Bosses or Crowd Controlled enemies and prefers them as targets.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • After Charged Bolts hits enemies 50 times, your next 3 casts of Charged Bolts becomes waves that pierce and deal [7400] Critical Shock Damage.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • Casting Pyromancy, Shock, and Frost Skills conjures a matching Elemental Dagger around you that pierces through enemies dealing [3700 * Affix_Value_2] damage after 3 seconds. The damage increases by 100% per matching elemental skill you cast.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer, Offensive, Codex of Power
  • After channeling Incinerate for [PowerTag.Sorcerer_Incinerate."Script Formula 58"] seconds it deals [1110] Critical Fire damage per second for 5 seconds. Casting Incinerate refreshes and maintains this bonus.(Sorcerer Only)
  • Allowed Item Types: Gloves, Offhand, 1H Weapon, 2H Weapon [+100%], Ring, Amulet [+50%]
    Sorcerer Skills /25
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: 9%
    Launch a bolt of lightning that shocks an enemy 4 times, dealing 12% damage each hit.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 12%

    • Enhanced Spark: Each time Spark hits its primary target, it has a 40% chance to hit up to 3 additional enemies, dealing 9% damage. If there are no other enemies to hit, Spark instead deals x20% increased damage to its primary target.
    • Flickering Spark: Each time Spark hits an enemy it has a 4% chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    • Glinting Spark: Spark grants +2% increased Critical Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up to +8%. At max stacks, your Spark hits grant 1 Mana.

    Enchantment Effect: Killing an enemy has a [0 * 100|%|] chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
    Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing 18% damage and Burning for 43.98% damage over 6 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 18%
    Burning Damage 43.98%

    • Enhanced Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt pierces through Burning enemies.
    • Flickering Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt generates 2 Mana when hitting an enemy.
    • Glinting Fire Bolt: Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by x25% for 3 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: Direct damage from Skills applies up to an additional [8*0]*100% Burning damage over 8 seconds.
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
    Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing 38% damage and Chilling them for 15%.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 38%

    • Enhanced Frost Bolt: Frost Bolt has a 15% chance to explode on Chilled enemies, hitting surrounding enemies. Chance increased to 100% against Frozen enemies.
    • Flickering Frost Bolt: Frost Bolt makes Frozen enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    • Glinting Frost Bolt: Frost Bolt generates 4 Mana when hitting Chilled or Frozen enemies.

    Enchantment Effect: Direct damage from Skills applies up to 0% Chill.
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: 14%
    Unleash arcing lightning that deals 42% damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 42%

    • Enhanced Arc Lash: If Arc Lash's initial swipe Critically Strikes, it swipes an additional time.
    • Flickering Arc Lash: Arc Lash grants [5] Mana if your swipe hits at least one enemy. When you hit [3] or more enemies or a Boss, your next swipe also deals x50% more damage.
    • Glinting Arc Lash: Hitting a Stunned enemy with Arc Lash reduces your Cooldowns by 0.15 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for 0 seconds.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
    Hurl an exploding ball of fire, dealing 66% damage to surrounding enemies.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 66%

    • Enhanced Fireball: Casting Fireball increases its radius by 50% and Burns enemies for 10.02% damage over 6 seconds.
    • Destructive Fireball: Fireball's Critical Strike Damage is increased by x20%, increased to x30% when hitting at least 3 enemies.
    • Greater Fireball: Fireball deals 10% of the Burning damage you've applied to enemies as additional direct damage.

    Enchantment Effect: When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for 0*100% of its damage.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: 16%
    Launch 5 shards that deal 36% damage each. Deals x25% increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 36%

    • Enhanced Ice Shards: Ice Shards have a 50% chance to ricochet to another enemy. Ice Shards always ricochet off of Frozen enemies.
    • Destructive Ice Shards: Hitting an enemy with 5 Ice Shards in a single cast makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
    • Greater Ice Shards: While you have a Barrier active, Ice Shards always receives its bonuses against Frozen enemies.

    Enchantment Effect: Ice Shards automatically conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies.
    Mana Cost: 35
    Lucky Hit Chance: 25%
    Unleash a stream of lightning that deals 43% damage and chains between Nearby enemies and you up to 5 times, prioritizing enemies.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 43%

    • Enhanced Chain Lightning: Chain Lightning gains a +3% increased Critical Strike Chance per bounce.
    • Destructive Chain Lightning: When Chain Lightning Critically Strikes, it has a 30% chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    • Greater Chain Lightning: Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it deals x10% increased damage for its duration, up to x30%.

    Enchantment Effect: Chain Lightning forms automatically after spending 0 Mana.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: 20%
    Release 5 bolts of lightning that course along the ground in an erratic pattern, dealing 45% damage each.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 45%

    • Enhanced Charged Bolts: The 3rd time an enemy is hit by a single cast of Charged Bolts, that bolt surges upon impact, dealing 78.75% in an area.
    • Destructive Charged Bolts: Hitting an enemy with Charged Bolts reduces their damage dealt by 25% for 3 seconds.
    • Greater Charged Bolts: Charged Bolts deals x35% increased damage to Stunned enemies.

    Enchantment Effect: When you Stun an enemy, there's a 0*100% chance to release 3 Charged Bolts from them.
    Mana Cost: [25] per second
    Lucky Hit Chance: 8.3485%
    Channel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for 101% damage per second. Damage per second increases over 2 seconds, up to 136.35%.

    You gain 20% Damage Reduction while Channeling Incinerate.
    Rank Up:
    Burning Damage 101%
    Burning Damage Maximum 136.35%

    • Enhanced Incinerate: While channeling Incinerate, you Burn enemies around you for 50% of the damage per second.
    • Destructive Incinerate: Enemies deal 30% less damage while Burning from Incinerate.
    • Greater Incinerate: Every 3 seconds an enemy has been hit by Incinerate, they are Immobilized for 1.5 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: Every 0 seconds, a serpent spawns and Incinerates enemies for 8 seconds.
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: 4%
    Unleash an orb that Chills for 34% and expels piercing shards, dealing a total of 52% damage. Upon expiration, Frozen Orb explodes, dealing 50% damage and Chilling enemies for 8.7%.
    Rank Up:
    Shards Damage 52%
    Explosion Damage 50%

    • Enhanced Frozen Orb: While Healthy, the explosion of Frozen Orb deals x45% increased damage.
    • Destructive Frozen Orb: Frozen Orb's explosion restores 5 Mana when hitting a Frozen enemy.
    • Greater Frozen Orb: Frozen Orb's explosion applies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: Whenever you cast a Non-Basic Skill, you have a 0*100% chance to launch a Frozen Orb at a Nearby enemy.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 35%
    Engulf yourself in flames for 2 seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for 40% damage per second.

    While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune.
    Rank Up:
    Duration 2
    Burning Damage 40%

    • Enhanced Flame Shield: Flame Shield has a 50% larger Burn radius.
    • Mystical Flame Shield: After Flame Shield ends, surrounding enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds and your next Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike.
    • Shimmering Flame Shield: Flame Shield Heals you for 50% of your missing Life.

    Enchantment Effect: Flame Shield automatically activates after cumulatively losing 100% Maximum Life. Can only happen once every 0 seconds.
    Cooldown: 24 seconds
    Charges: 2
    Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
    Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Cooldown 24 Charge Cooldown 0.25

    • Enhanced Frost Nova: Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.
    • Mystical Frost Nova: Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against Bosses.
    • Shimmering Frost Nova: Frost Nova grants +3% Dodge Chance per enemy hit for 8 seconds, up to +15%. Dodging while this effect is active restores 20 Mana.

      Hitting a Boss with Frost Nova grants the maximum stacks of the Dodge Chance bonus.

    Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a 0% chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6 seconds, absorbing 56% of your Maximum Life ({shield:ICE_BARRIER}) in damage.
    Rank Up:
    Barrier Amount {shield:ICE_BARRIER}

    • Enhanced Ice Armor: While Ice Armor is active, your Mana Regeneration is increased by x30%.
    • Mystical Ice Armor: While Ice Armor is active, you periodically Chill Close enemies for 20% and deal x15% increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    • Shimmering Ice Armor: While Ice Armor is active, you reduce its Cooldown by 1 seconds for every 50 Mana you spend.

    Enchantment Effect: Upon getting hit, you have a 0*100% chance to apply Ice Armor.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 65%
    Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing 35% damage around you upon arrival.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 35%
    Cooldown 0

    • Enhanced Teleport: You gain +30% Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.
    • Mystical Teleport: Teleport deals x500% increased damage. It also forms a Crackling Energy for each enemy it hits, up to 3 .
    • Shimmering Teleport: After Teleporting, you gain 30% Damage Reduction for 4 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: Evade is replaced with a short range Teleport on a 0 second Cooldown. This version of Teleport does not make you Unstoppable.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 15%
    Conjure a pair of ice blades for 6 seconds that rapidly slash enemies for 23% damage and have a 40% chance to make them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 23%

    • Enhanced Ice Blades: Ice Blades's Cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds each time it hits a Vulnerable enemy.
    • Summoned Ice Blades: 20% of Enhanced Ice Blades's Cooldown reduction is applied to your other Skills.
    • Invoked Ice Blades: Your Ice Blades gain +10% increased Attack Speed per active Ice Blades.

    Enchantment Effect: For every 0 seconds in Cooldowns you spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a random enemy.
    Mana Cost: 20
    Lucky Hit Chance: 2.5%
    Summon a 3-headed hydra for 10 seconds. Each head spits fire at enemies, dealing 23% damage.

    You may have up to [2] Hydras active at a time.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 23%

    • Enhanced Hydra: While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head.
    • Summoned Hydra: Hydra also Burns enemies for an additional 100% of its Base damage dealt over 6 seconds.
    • Invoked Hydra: After you Critically Strike, your Hydras gain +30% Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: After spending 0 Mana, a 5-headed Hydra spawns for 10 seconds.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 5%
    Conjure a spear of lightning that seeks out enemies for 6 seconds, dealing 16% damage per hit. Critical Strikes apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 16%

    • Enhanced Lightning Spear: Casting Lightning Spear spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases their Critical Strike Chance by +5%.
    • Summoned Lightning Spear: Collecting Crackling Energy increases the damage of your next Lightning Spear cast by x20%, up to x160%.
    • Invoked Lightning Spear: Lightning Spear Stuns enemies for 2 seconds when Critically Striking.

    Enchantment Effect: Absorbing Crackling Energy has a 0*100% chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.
    Charges: 3
    Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
    Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for 8 seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing 40% of its element's damage.

    You may have up to [6] Familiars active at a time.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 40%

    • Enhanced Familiar: Familiars apply effects around them every 0.5 seconds according to their Element:
      Fire: Applies 40% Burning damage over 4 seconds to enemies.
      Cold: Applies 15% Chill to enemies.
      Lightning: Stuns enemies for [1] second.
    • Summoned Familiar: Your Familiars' elements now follow a set cycle through Fire, Cold, and Lightning when you cast any Skill.

      While you have at least two different element Familiars active, you gain +3% Damage Reduction.
    • Invoked Familiar: While you have an active Familiar, you deal x10% increased damage of its type.

    Enchantment Effect: Each time you summon a non-Familiar Conjuration, you have a [0 * 100|%|] chance to spawn a Familiar of the same element.
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: 30%
    Create a wall of flames that Burns enemies for 230% damage over 8 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 230%

    • Enhanced Firewall: Enemies take x25% increased Burning damage from you while standing in Firewall.
    • Mage's Firewall: Enemies continue Burning for 3 seconds after leaving Firewall.
    • Wizard's Firewall: You gain x5% increased Mana Regeneration per active Firewall, up to x35%.

    Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to 0% chance when dealing Burning damage to spawn 2 Firewalls for 3 seconds.
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: 33%
    Summon a frigid blizzard that deals 1680% damage and continually Chills enemies for 18% over 8 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 1680%

    • Enhanced Blizzard: Blizzard deals x40% increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    • Mage's Blizzard: Blizzard's duration is increased by 4 seconds.
    • Wizard's Blizzard: While you have an active Blizzard, you gain 1 Mana Regeneration for every 20 Maximum Mana.

      Current Bonus: 5

    Enchantment Effect: Every 0 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows you for 6 seconds.
    Charges: 2
    Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: 40%
    Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing 96% damage and Burning the ground for 35.01% damage over 3 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Impact Damage 96%
    Burning Damage 35%

    • Enhanced Meteor: If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, there is a 30% chance an additional Meteor falls on the same location.
    • Mage's Meteor: Meteor falls 30% faster.
    • Wizard's Meteor: Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.

    Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Up to a 0% chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.
    Mana Cost: 50
    Lucky Hit Chance: 5%
    Discharge a ball of lightning that slowly moves forward, continually zapping enemies for 23.76% damage.
    Rank Up:
    Damage 23.76%

    • Enhanced Ball Lightning: Ball Lightning's attack rate is increased by your Attack Speed Bonus, up to 0.06/24%.
    • Mage's Ball Lightning: After hitting Close enemies 50 times with Ball Lightning, your next cast of it Stuns enemies hit for 1 |4second:seconds;.
    • Wizard's Ball Lightning: If an enemy is hit at least 4 times by a cast of Ball Lightning, a Crackling Energy is formed. Can only happen 2 times per cast.

    Enchantment Effect: Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a 0% chance to spawn a static Ball Lightning.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 10%
    Summon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for 354% damage over 8 seconds.
    Rank Up:
    Damage [88.48% * 4]
    Cooldown 0 seconds

    • Prime Inferno: Inferno repeatedly Pulls enemies to its center.
    • Supreme Inferno: While Inferno is active, your Pyromancy Skills cost no Mana.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: 2%
    Encase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for 4 seconds, continually dealing 25% damage, and Chilling enemies for 14%. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals an additional 100% damage.

    Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.
    Rank Up:
    Periodic Damage 25%
    Final Damage 100%
    Cooldown 0 seconds

    • Prime Deep Freeze: When Deep Freeze ends, gain 10% of your Maximum Life ({Shield:BARRIER_TOOLTIP}) as a Barrier for 6 seconds for each enemy you Froze while it was active.
    • Supreme Deep Freeze: When Deep Freeze ends, surrounding enemies are made Vulnerable for 5 seconds and your Non-Ultimate Cooldowns are instantly reset.
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also unleashed.
    Rank Up:
    Cooldown 0 seconds

    • Prime Unstable Currents: Unstable Currents increases your Attack Speed by +25% while active.
    • Supreme Unstable Currents: While Unstable Currents is active, you pulse Crackling Energy for free at a 25% faster rate.
    Sorcerer Skill Tree /145
    Flame Shield
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [35|%|]
    Engulf yourself in flames for 2 seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for 40% damage per second.

    While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune.
    Ranks: 5
    Frost Nova
    Cooldown: 24 seconds
    Charges: 2
    Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
    Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Ice Armor
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    A Barrier of ice forms around you for 6 seconds, absorbing [56|%|] of your Maximum Life ({shield:ICE_BARRIER}) in damage.
    Ranks: 5
    Charged Bolts
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: [20|%|]
    Release 5 bolts of lightning that course along the ground in an erratic pattern, dealing 45% damage each.
    Ranks: 5
    Mana Cost: 20
    Lucky Hit Chance: [2.5|%|]
    Summon a 3-headed hydra for [10|1|] seconds. Each head spits fire at enemies, dealing 23% damage.

    You may have up to [2] Hydras active at a time.
    Ranks: 5
    Ice Blades
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [15|%|]
    Conjure a pair of ice blades for [6|1|] seconds that rapidly slash enemies for 23% damage and have a [40|%|] chance to make them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Charges: 2
    Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: [40|%|]
    Summon a meteor that strikes the target location, dealing 96% damage and Burning the ground for 35.01% damage over 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: [33|%|]
    Summon a frigid blizzard that deals 1680% damage and continually Chills enemies for [18|%|] over 8 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Frozen Orb
    Mana Cost: 40
    Lucky Hit Chance: [4|%|]
    Unleash an orb that Chills for [34|%|] and expels piercing shards, dealing a total of 52% damage. Upon expiration, Frozen Orb explodes, dealing 50% damage and Chilling enemies for [8.7|%|].
    Ranks: 5
    Lightning Spear
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [5|%|]
    Conjure a spear of lightning that seeks out enemies for [6|1|] seconds, dealing 16% damage per hit. Critical Strikes apply Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [65|%|]
    Transform into lightning, becoming Unstoppable and surging to the target location, dealing 35% damage around you upon arrival.
    Ranks: 5
    Ball Lightning
    Mana Cost: 50
    Lucky Hit Chance: [5|%|]
    Discharge a ball of lightning that slowly moves forward, continually zapping enemies for 23.76% damage.
    Ranks: 5
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [10|%|]
    Summon a fiery serpent that continually constricts the target area, Burning enemies for 354% damage over 8 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Unstable Currents
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also unleashed.
    Ranks: 5
    Prime Inferno
    Inferno repeatedly Pulls enemies to its center.
    Deep Freeze
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [2|%|]
    Encase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for 4 seconds, continually dealing 25% damage, and Chilling enemies for [14|%|]. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals an additional 100% damage.

    Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.
    Ranks: 5
    Supreme Unstable Currents
    While Unstable Currents is active, you pulse Crackling Energy for free at a [25|%|] faster rate.
    Supreme Inferno
    While Inferno is active, your Pyromancy Skills cost no Mana.
    Deep Freeze
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [2|%|]
    Encase yourself in ice, becoming Immune for 4 seconds, continually dealing 25% damage, and Chilling enemies for [14|%|]. When Deep Freeze expires, it deals an additional 100% damage.

    Casting Deep Freeze again ends the effect early.
    Unstable Currents
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lightning surges within you for 10 seconds. Whenever you cast a Shock Skill, a random Core, Conjuration, or Mastery Shock Skill is also unleashed.
    Supreme Deep Freeze
    When Deep Freeze ends, surrounding enemies are made Vulnerable for 5 seconds and your Non-Ultimate Cooldowns are instantly reset.
    Frost Skills deal [5|%x|] increased damage to Elites.
    Ranks: 3
    Conjuration Mastery
    Gain a stacking bonus for each active Conjuration, up to 30 stacks:
    [1|%x|] Damage
    [1|%+|] Movement Speed
    [2|%x|] Mana Regeneration
    Ranks: 3
    You deal [3|%x|] increased damage to Chilled enemies, and [6|%x|] increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Ranks: 3
    Icy Touch
    You deal [4|%x|] increased Cold damage to Vulnerable enemies.
    Ranks: 3
    After Freeze expires, enemies explode for [45|%|] of the damage you dealt to them while Frozen.
    Ranks: 1
    Lucky Hit: Your Frost Skills have up to a [10|%|] chance to make your next cast of Ice Shards, Frozen Orb, or Blizzard consume no Mana and deal [60|%x|]{/if} increased damage. Chance is doubled against Vulnerable enemies.
    Ranks: 1
    Elemental Dominance
    Your Core Skills deal [4|%x|] increased damage when cast above 50 Mana.
    Ranks: 3
    Elemental Attunement
    Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a [7|%|] chance to reset the Cooldown of one of your Defensive Skills. Can only happen once every 10 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Glass Cannon
    You deal [6|%x|] increased damage, but take [2|%x|] more damage.
    Ranks: 3
    Every 1 second, you Heal for [1|1%|] of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.01|1|]) for each Nearby Burning enemy. Healing increased to [4|1%|] from Bosses.
    Ranks: 3
    Inner Flames
    Your Pyromancy Skills deal [4|%x|] increased damage while you are Healthy.
    Ranks: 3
    Your Pyromancy Skills cost [4|%|] less Mana and deal [2|%x|] increased damage. Double these bonuses after standing still for [2||] seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Endless Pyre
    You deal [6|%x|] increased Burning damage. This bonus is increased to [25|%x|] to enemies while they are affected by more Burning Damage Over Time than their total Life.
    Ranks: 3
    Your Burning effects deal [60|%x|] increased damage, and an additional [4|%x|] per unique source of Burning you have applied to the enemy.
    Ranks: 1
    Esu's Ferocity
    Your Fire Critical Strike Damage is increased by [25|%x|] against enemies above 50% Life. Your Fire Critical Strike Chance is increased by [10|%+|] against enemies below 50% Life.

    Critical Strikes that kill enemies or hit a Boss grant both bonuses against all enemies for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 1
    Coursing Currents
    Hitting enemies with Shock Skills increases your Critical Strike Chance by [1|%+|]. Resets upon getting a Critical Strike.
    Ranks: 3
    Invigorating Conduit
    Upon absorbing Crackling Energy, you gain 4 Mana.
    Ranks: 3
    Critical Strikes with Shock Skills increase your Movement Speed by [4|%+|] for 4 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Static Discharge
    Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes with Shock Skills have up to a [6|%|] chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    Ranks: 3
    Overflowing Energy
    Crackling Energy hits 1 additional enemy. Each time Crackling Energy hits an enemy, your Shock Skill Cooldowns are reduced by [0.1|1|] seconds, increased to [0.35|2|] seconds against Elites.
    Ranks: 1
    Vyr's Mastery
    When you Critically Strike an enemy with a Shock Skill you become Charged and take [25|%x|] less damage for 5 seconds.

    While Charged:
    Critical Strikes have a [10|%|] chance to cause the damage to arc as Lightning damage to another nearby enemy, or if there are no other targets you hit the target again for [250|%|] of the damage.
    Ranks: 1
    Mana Cost: [25] per second
    Lucky Hit Chance: [8.3485|%|]
    Channel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for 101% damage per second. Damage per second increases over 2 seconds, up to 136.35%.

    You gain [20|%|] Damage Reduction while Channeling Incinerate.
    Ranks: 5
    Require Points: 11
    Require Points: 23
    Require Points: 16
    Frigid Breeze
    Lucky Hit: Cold damage against Vulnerable enemies has up to a [20|%|] chance to generate 5 Mana.
    Ranks: 3
    Precision Magic
    Your Lucky Hit Chance is increased by [5|+%|].
    Ranks: 3
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: [9|%|]
    Launch a bolt of lightning that shocks an enemy 4 times, dealing 12% damage each hit.
    Ranks: 5
    Shocking Impact
    Every time you Stun an enemy, you deal 50% Lightning damage to them.
    Ranks: 3
    Fire Bolt
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: [35|%|]
    Hurl a flaming bolt, dealing 18% damage and Burning for 43.98% damage over 6 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Arc Lash
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: [14|%|]
    Unleash arcing lightning that deals 42% damage to enemies in front of you. Every 10 times Arc Lash swipes, it Stuns all enemies hit for 2 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Your Maximum Mana is increased by 3.
    Ranks: 3
    Mana Cost: 35
    Lucky Hit Chance: [33|%|]
    Hurl an exploding ball of fire, dealing 66% damage to surrounding enemies.
    Ranks: 5
    Chain Lightning
    Mana Cost: 35
    Lucky Hit Chance: [25|%|]
    Unleash a stream of lightning that deals 43% damage and chains between Nearby enemies and you up to 5 times, prioritizing enemies.
    Ranks: 5
    Using a Cooldown grants [10|%|] of your Maximum Life ([PlayerHealthMax() * 0.1]) as a Barrier for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Crippling Flames
    Lucky Hit: Your Pyromancy Skills have up to a [7]% chance to Immobilize enemies for 2 seconds. This chance is doubled while you are Healthy.
    Ranks: 3
    Ice Shards
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: [16|%|]
    Launch 5 shards that deal 36% damage each. Deals [25|%x|] increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Ranks: 5
    Frost Bolt
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: [40|%|]
    Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing 38% damage and Chilling them for [15|%|].
    Ranks: 5
    Require Points: 33
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: [30|%|]
    Create a wall of flames that Burns enemies for 230% damage over 8 seconds.
    Ranks: 5
    Flickering Arc Lash
    Arc Lash grants [5] Mana if your swipe hits at least one enemy. When you hit [3] or more enemies or a Boss, your next swipe also deals [50|%x|] more damage.
    Mage's Blizzard
    Blizzard's duration is increased by 4 seconds.
    Destructive Chain Lightning
    When Chain Lightning Critically Strikes, it has a [30|%|] chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    Destructive Charged Bolts
    Hitting an enemy with Charged Bolts reduces their damage dealt by [25|%|] for 3 seconds.
    Destructive Fireball
    Fireball's Critical Strike Damage is increased by [20|%x|], increased to [30|%x|] when hitting at least 3 enemies.
    Flickering Fire Bolt
    Fire Bolt generates 2 Mana when hitting an enemy.
    Mage's Firewall
    Enemies continue Burning for 3 seconds after leaving Firewall.
    Mystical Flame Shield
    After Flame Shield ends, surrounding enemies are Stunned for 3 seconds and your next Skill is a guaranteed Critical Strike.
    Flickering Frost Bolt
    Frost Bolt makes Frozen enemies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    Mystical Frost Nova
    Frost Nova makes enemies Vulnerable for 4 seconds, increased to 6 seconds against Bosses.
    Destructive Frozen Orb
    Frozen Orb's explosion restores 5 Mana when hitting a Frozen enemy.
    Summoned Hydra
    Hydra also Burns enemies for an additional [100|%|] of its Base damage dealt over 6 seconds.
    Mystical Ice Armor
    While Ice Armor is active, you periodically Chill Close enemies for [20|%|] and deal [15|%x|] increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Summoned Ice Blades
    [20|%|] of Enhanced Ice Blades's Cooldown reduction is applied to your other Skills.
    Destructive Ice Shards
    Hitting an enemy with 5 Ice Shards in a single cast makes them Vulnerable for 2 seconds.
    Mana Cost: [25] per second
    Lucky Hit Chance: [8.3485|%|]
    Channel a beam of fire, Burning enemies for 101% damage per second. Damage per second increases over 2 seconds, up to 136.35%.

    You gain [20|%|] Damage Reduction while Channeling Incinerate.
    Flickering Spark
    Each time Spark hits an enemy it has a [4|%|] chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    Summoned Lightning Spear
    Collecting Crackling Energy increases the damage of your next Lightning Spear cast by [20|%x|], up to [160|%x|].
    Mage's Meteor
    Meteor falls [30|%|] faster.
    Mystical Teleport
    Teleport deals [500|x%|] increased damage. It also forms a Crackling Energy for each enemy it hits, up to 3 .
    Shimmering Teleport
    After Teleporting, you gain [30|%|] Damage Reduction for 4 seconds.
    Wizard's Meteor
    Meteor’s impact Immobilizes enemies for 2 seconds.
    Invoked Lightning Spear
    Lightning Spear Stuns enemies for 2 seconds when Critically Striking.
    Glinting Spark
    Spark grants [2|%+|] increased Critical Strike Chance per cast for 5 seconds, up to [8|%+|]. At max stacks, your Spark hits grant 1 Mana.
    Greater Fireball
    Fireball deals [10|%|] of the Burning damage you've applied to enemies as additional direct damage.
    Greater Incinerate
    Every 3 seconds an enemy has been hit by Incinerate, they are Immobilized for [1.5|1|] seconds.
    Ice Shards
    Mana Cost: 30
    Lucky Hit Chance: [16|%|]
    Launch 5 shards that deal 36% damage each. Deals [25|%x|] increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Invoked Ice Blades
    Your Ice Blades gain [10|%+|] increased Attack Speed per active Ice Blades.
    Shimmering Ice Armor
    While Ice Armor is active, you reduce its Cooldown by 1 seconds for every 50 Mana you spend.
    Invoked Hydra
    After you Critically Strike, your Hydras gain [30|%+|] Critical Strike Chance for 3 seconds.
    Greater Frozen Orb
    Frozen Orb's explosion applies Vulnerable for 3 seconds.
    Frost Nova
    Cooldown: 24 seconds
    Charges: 2
    Charge Cooldown: 0.25 seconds
    Unleash a torrent of frost, Freezing enemies around you for 3 seconds.
    Glinting Frost Bolt
    Frost Bolt generates 4 Mana when hitting Chilled or Frozen enemies.
    Shimmering Flame Shield
    Flame Shield Heals you for [50|%|] of your missing Life.
    Wizard's Firewall
    You gain [5|%x|] increased Mana Regeneration per active Firewall, up to [35|%x|].
    Glinting Fire Bolt
    Fire Bolt increase the Burning damage you deal to the enemy by [25|%x|] for 3 seconds.
    Greater Charged Bolts
    Charged Bolts deals [35|%x|] increased damage to Stunned enemies.
    Greater Chain Lightning
    Each time Chain Lightning bounces, it deals [10|%x|] increased damage for its duration, up to [30|%x|].
    Wizard's Blizzard
    While you have an active Blizzard, you gain 1 Mana Regeneration for every 20 Maximum Mana.

    Current Bonus: 5
    Glinting Arc Lash
    Hitting a Stunned enemy with Arc Lash reduces your Cooldowns by [0.15|2|] seconds.
    Mage's Ball Lightning
    After hitting Close enemies 50 times with Ball Lightning, your next cast of it Stuns enemies hit for 1 |4second:seconds;.
    Wizard's Ball Lightning
    If an enemy is hit at least 4 times by a cast of Ball Lightning, a Crackling Energy is formed. Can only happen 2 times per cast.
    Snap Freeze
    Lucky Hit: Frost Skills have up to a 7% chance to instantly Freeze.
    Ranks: 3
    Cold Front
    While you have a Barrier active, you apply [8|x%|] more Chill.
    Ranks: 3
    Mana Shield
    Every time you spend 100 Mana, you gain [10|%|] Damage Reduction for 5 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Icy Veil
    Your Barriers have an [8|%+|] increased duration.
    Ranks: 3
    Fiery Surge
    Killing a Burning enemy increases your Mana Regeneration by [15|%+|] for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Lucky Hit: Shock Skills have up to a [7|%|] chance to Stun enemies for 3 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Enemies deal [6|%|] less damage for 5 seconds after being Critically Struck by your Shock Skills.
    Ranks: 3
    Devouring Blaze
    You deal [7|%x|] increased Critical Strike Damage against Burning enemies. If they are Crowd Controlled, this bonus is increased to [10|%x|].
    Ranks: 3
    Potent Warding
    Casting a Skill grants [3|+%|] All Resistance and [2|+%|] Maximum Resistance to that Skill's element for 9 seconds.
    Ranks: 3
    Align the Elements
    You gain 3% Damage Reduction against Elites for each second you haven't taken damage from one, up to 60%. This bonus persists for 3 seconds after taking damage.
    Ranks: 3
    Require Points: 6
    Require Points: 2
    Enhanced Fire Bolt
    Fire Bolt pierces through Burning enemies.
    Frost Bolt
    Mana Cost: 0
    Lucky Hit Chance: [40|%|]
    Throw a bolt of frost at an enemy, dealing 38% damage and Chilling them for [15|%|].
    Enhanced Spark
    Each time Spark hits its primary target, it has a [40|%|] chance to hit up to 3 additional enemies, dealing 9% damage. If there are no other enemies to hit, Spark instead deals [20|%x|] increased damage to its primary target.
    Enhanced Arc Lash
    If Arc Lash's initial swipe Critically Strikes, it swipes an additional time.
    Enhanced Frozen Orb
    While Healthy, the explosion of Frozen Orb deals [45|%x|] increased damage.
    Enhanced Ice Shards
    Ice Shards have a [50|%|] chance to ricochet to another enemy. Ice Shards always ricochet off of Frozen enemies.
    Chain Lightning
    Mana Cost: 35
    Lucky Hit Chance: [25|%|]
    Unleash a stream of lightning that deals 43% damage and chains between Nearby enemies and you up to 5 times, prioritizing enemies.
    Enhanced Charged Bolts
    The 3rd time an enemy is hit by a single cast of Charged Bolts, that bolt surges upon impact, dealing 78.75% in an area.
    Enhanced Incinerate
    While channeling Incinerate, you Burn enemies around you for [50|%|] of the damage per second.
    Enhanced Fireball
    Casting Fireball increases its radius by [50|%|] and Burns enemies for 10.02% damage over 6 seconds.
    Flame Shield
    Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [35|%|]
    Engulf yourself in flames for 2 seconds, Burning surrounding enemies for 40% damage per second.

    While Flame Shield is active, you are Immune.
    Enhanced Frost Nova
    Killing enemies Frozen by Frost Nova reduces its Cooldown by 1 seconds, up to 4 seconds per cast.
    Enhanced Ice Armor
    While Ice Armor is active, your Mana Regeneration is increased by [30|%x|].
    Enhanced Teleport
    You gain [30|+%|] Movement Speed for 3 seconds after Teleporting.
    Enhanced Ice Blades
    Ice Blades's Cooldown is reduced by [0.5|1|] seconds each time it hits a Vulnerable enemy.
    Enhanced Hydra
    While Healthy, your casts of Hydra gain 1 additional head.
    Enhanced Lightning Spear
    Casting Lightning Spear spawns an additional Lightning Spear and increases their Critical Strike Chance by [5|%+|].
    Enhanced Blizzard
    Blizzard deals [40|%x|] increased damage to Frozen enemies.
    Enhanced Ball Lightning
    Ball Lightning's attack rate is increased by your Attack Speed Bonus, up to [0.06/24|%|].
    Enhanced Firewall
    Enemies take [25|%x|] increased Burning damage from you while standing in Firewall.
    Enhanced Meteor
    If a cast of Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, there is a [30|%|] chance an additional Meteor falls on the same location.
    Charges: 3
    Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [10|%|]
    Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for 8 seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing 40% of its element's damage.

    You may have up to [6] Familiars active at a time.
    Ranks: 5
    Charges: 3
    Charge Cooldown: 0 seconds
    Lucky Hit Chance: [10|%|]
    Summon a familiar matching the element of your last cast Skill for 8 seconds. It seeks enemies and periodically explodes, dealing 40% of its element's damage.

    You may have up to [6] Familiars active at a time.
    Summoned Familiar
    Your Familiars' elements now follow a set cycle through Fire, Cold, and Lightning when you cast any Skill.

    While you have at least two different element Familiars active, you gain [3|+%|] Damage Reduction.
    Invoked Familiar
    While you have an active Familiar, you deal [10|x%|] increased damage of its type.
    Casting any Skill grants 1 stack of Enlightenment, or grants 15 if your previous cast Skill was a different Element.

    After gaining 100 stacks you become Enlightened, can no longer gain stacks, and lose 10 stacks per second.

    While Enlightened your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold are equal to them combined and you gain:
    [25|%x|] Damage
    [45|%+|] Mana Regeneration
    [20|%+|] Attack Speed
    Ranks: 1
    Elemental Synergies
    Your Frost, Shock, and Pyromancy Skills deal [1|%x|] increased damage for each Skill you have equipped of their type.
    Ranks: 3
    Energy Focus
    You generate a 6 second Barrier for [0.5|1%|] of your Maximum Life every second up to [30|%|]. This effect is lost for 5 seconds after losing health.
    Ranks: 3
    Dampen Layer
    You gain [2|%|] Damage Reduction while you have an active Barrier.
    Ranks: 3
    Gain [4|%|] Cooldown Reduction.
    Ranks: 3
    Enchantments /23
    When you use a Cooldown, enemies around you are Stunned for [0|1|] seconds.
    Lucky Hit: Critical Strikes have up to a [0|%|] chance to spawn a static Ball Lightning.
    Every 0 seconds, a Blizzard forms over you and follows you for 6 seconds.
    Chain Lightning forms automatically after spending 0 Mana.
    When you Stun an enemy, there's a [0*100|%|] chance to release 3 Charged Bolts from them.
    When you kill an enemy, they explode in a Fireball for [0*100|%|] of its damage.
    Direct damage from Skills applies up to an additional [8*0]*100% Burning damage over 8 seconds.
    Lucky Hit: Up to [0|%|] chance when dealing Burning damage to spawn 2 Firewalls for 3 seconds.
    Flame Shield automatically activates after cumulatively losing [100|%|] Maximum Life. Can only happen once every 0 seconds.
  • Flame Shield Enchant Cooldown
  • Flame Shield Enchant Cooldown
  • FrostNova
    Lucky Hit: Your Conjuration Skills have up to a [0|%|] chance to unleash a Frost Nova when hitting enemies.
    Direct damage from Skills applies up to [0|%|] Chill.
    Whenever you cast a Non-Basic Skill, you have a [0*100|%|] chance to launch a Frozen Orb at a Nearby enemy.
    After spending 0 Mana, a 5-headed Hydra spawns for 10 seconds.
  • Hydra Enchantment
  • Spending Mana spawns a Hydra.
  • IceArmor
    Upon getting hit, you have a [0*100|%|] chance to apply Ice Armor.
    For every 0 seconds in Cooldowns you spend, you spawn an Ice Blades on a random enemy.
  • Ice Blades Enchantment
  • Cooldowns spawn Ice Blades.
  • IceShards
    Ice Shards automatically conjure and fly towards Frozen enemies.
    Every 0 seconds, a serpent spawns and Incinerates enemies for 8 seconds.
    Absorbing Crackling Energy has a [0*100|%|] chance to conjure a Lightning Spear.
    Lucky Hit: Up to a [0|%|] chance for a Meteor to fall on enemies.
    Killing an enemy has a [0 * 100|%|] chance to form a Crackling Energy.
    Evade is replaced with a short range Teleport on a [0|1|] second Cooldown. This version of Teleport does not make you Unstoppable.
    Teleport description here - since this is a skill that replaces your Evade button, you should never see this.
  • Teleport - Evade Version
  • Paragon /99
    Legendary Node
    Searing Heat

    Pyromancy Skills have a +12% increased Critical Strike Chance and deal increased Direct damage equal to 20% of your Damage with Fire bonus, up to x60%.

    Current Direct Damage Bonus: [0 * 100|%x|]
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 60 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 25 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Burning Instinct

    Your Burning damage is increased by x10% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus, plus x2% for every 30 Intelligence you have, up to x90%.

    Current Burning Damage Bonus: [0 * 100|%x|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 25 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Frigid Fate

    You deal bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies equal to x20% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, up to a maximum of x60%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 60 Intelligence, 20 Willpower, 20 Dexterity
    Legendary Node

    Your Frost Skills deal x25% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. This bonus is doubled if the enemy is also Frozen.
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 50 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Static Surge

    After spending 100 Mana, your next cast of Chain Lightning or Charged Bolts makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds and restores 10% of your Mana.

    This Mana cost requirement is reduced by Mana Cost Reduction bonuses.
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 40 Intelligence, 20 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Ceaseless Conduit

    Crackling Energy has a 25% chance to not consume a Charge when triggered. Crackling Energy's damage is increased by x4% per 20 total Intelligence you have, up to x120%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 30 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Elemental Summoner

    Your Conjuration Skills have a 10|%x|% reduced Cooldown or Mana cost. They also deal bonus damage equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold, up to x60%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Enchantment Master

    Your Enchantments are 20% stronger.
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 40 Intelligence, 30 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Legendary Node
    Fundamental Release

    Each time you apply Vulnerable, Burning, or Critically Strike an enemy, they take 10|%x|% increased damage from you, up to 30|%x|%.
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 20 Dexterity
    Rare Node
    Elemental Balance

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Damage to Elites
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Rare Node

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Fire Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Fire Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Flames

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Fire Damage
  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Fire Damage if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +[0.05*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
  • +0.02*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Fire Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node
    Smoldering Embers

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +0.06*100% Healing Received
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +0.06*100% Healing Received
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Cold Resistance if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node
    Elemental Favor

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Winter

  • 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Polar Rime

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Cold Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Cold Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Lightning Resilience

  • +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
  • +0.02*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Lightning Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.35*100% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Bonus: Another +0.35*100% Damage to Stun Enemies if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node
    Suffused Resilience

  • 0.05*100% Damage Reduction
  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance
  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Galvanic Catalyst

  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Lightning Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.45*100% Crackling Energy Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.45*100% Crackling Energy Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Elements

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • [0.03 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another [0.03 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node
    Swift Conjurer

  • +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage
  • Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:
  • [890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction
  • [0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Damage to Elites
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +[30] Armor
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node
    Lightning Cutter

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Damage to Elites
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Fire Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Fire Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.025*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0163*100% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +0.015*100% Healing Received
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Cold Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0225*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Cold Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Lightning Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.035*100% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0125*100% Damage Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • +0.01*100% Critical Strike Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.045*100% Crackling Energy Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Conjuration Damage
  • Magic Node
  • [0.0075 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • [0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • Magic Node
  • 0.03*100% Impairment Reduction
  • Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Normal Node
    Paragon Starting Node

    Start Paragon /17
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Damage to Elites
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Rare Node
    Elemental Balance

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Damage to Elites
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Rare Node

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Normal Node
    Paragon Starting Node

    Searing Heat Paragon /22
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Fire Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Fire Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Fire Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Flames

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Fire Resistance
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Fire Damage
  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Fire Damage if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.025*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Legendary Node
    Searing Heat

    Pyromancy Skills have a +12% increased Critical Strike Chance and deal increased Direct damage equal to 20% of your Damage with Fire bonus, up to x60%.

    Current Direct Damage Bonus: [0 * 100|%x|]
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 60 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 25 Dexterity
    Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +[0.05*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
  • Rare Node

  • +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
  • +0.02*100% Maximum Fire Resistance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Fire Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Burning Instinct Paragon /22
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Legendary Node
    Burning Instinct

    Your Burning damage is increased by x10% of your Critical Strike Damage Bonus, plus x2% for every 30 Intelligence you have, up to x90%.

    Current Burning Damage Bonus: [0 * 100|%x|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 15 Willpower, 25 Dexterity
    Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Fire Resistance
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Flames

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Fire Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another 0.065*100% Damage Reduction from Elites if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0163*100% Damage Reduction from Elites
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.015*100% Healing Received
  • Rare Node
    Smoldering Embers

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +0.06*100% Healing Received
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Frigid Fate Paragon /22
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +0.015*100% Healing Received
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +0.06*100% Healing Received
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Cold Resistance
  • Rare Node

  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Cold Resistance if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Legendary Node
    Frigid Fate

    You deal bonus damage to Vulnerable enemies equal to x20% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Cold, up to a maximum of x60%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 15 Strength, 60 Intelligence, 20 Willpower, 20 Dexterity
    Rare Node
    Elemental Favor

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Icefall Paragon /23
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Cold Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0225*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Winter

  • 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • +0.1*100% Cold Resistance
  • Bonus: Another 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another 0.09*100% Damage Reduction from Chilled Enemies if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Legendary Node

    Your Frost Skills deal x25% increased damage to Vulnerable enemies. This bonus is doubled if the enemy is also Frozen.
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 50 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Rare Node
    Polar Rime

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +0.05*100% Lucky Hit Chance
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +[0.05*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.025*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Cold Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Cold Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Cold Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Static Surge Paragon /24
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Rare Node
    Lightning Resilience

  • +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
  • +0.02*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Lightning Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Lightning Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Legendary Node
    Static Surge

    After spending 100 Mana, your next cast of Chain Lightning or Charged Bolts makes enemies Vulnerable for 2 seconds and restores 10% of your Mana.

    This Mana cost requirement is reduced by Mana Cost Reduction bonuses.
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 40 Intelligence, 20 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.025*5] Life per 5 Seconds
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +0.06*100% Healing Received
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.035*100% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Rare Node

  • +0.35*100% Damage to Stun Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Resource Cost Reduction
  • Bonus: Another +0.35*100% Damage to Stun Enemies if requirements met:
  • [760 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Ceaseless Conduit Paragon /24
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0125*100% Damage Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Lightning Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.01*100% Critical Strike Chance
  • Rare Node
    Suffused Resilience

  • 0.05*100% Damage Reduction
  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance
  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.02*100% Critical Strike Chance if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Lightning Resilience

  • +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance
  • +0.02*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.1*100% Lightning Resistance if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.005*100% Maximum Lightning Resistance
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Lightning Resistance
  • Legendary Node
    Ceaseless Conduit

    Crackling Energy has a 25% chance to not consume a Charge when triggered. Crackling Energy's damage is increased by x4% per 20 total Intelligence you have, up to x120%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 10 Willpower, 30 Dexterity
    Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.04*100% Maximum Life if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Rare Node
    Galvanic Catalyst

  • +0.2*100% Lightning Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Lightning Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +0.045*100% Crackling Energy Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.45*100% Crackling Energy Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.45*100% Crackling Energy Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Elemental Summoner Paragon /24
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Conjuration Damage
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Rare Node
    Keeper of Elements

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • [0.0075 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Rare Node

  • [0.03 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another [0.03 * 100|1%|] Conjuration Cooldown Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Legendary Node
    Elemental Summoner

    Your Conjuration Skills have a 10|%x|% reduced Cooldown or Mana cost. They also deal bonus damage equal to x10% of the total amount of your Bonus Damage with Fire, Lightning, and Cold, up to x60%.

    Current Bonus: [0 * 100|x%|]
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 55 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Magic Node
  • [0.005 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • Rare Node
    Swift Conjurer

  • +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • +0.3*100% Conjuration Damage
  • Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed if requirements met:
  • [890 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Rare Node

  • 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction
  • [0.02 * 100|1%|] Dodge Chance
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • [185 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Strength
  • Bonus: Another 0.12*100% Impairment Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • 0.03*100% Impairment Reduction
  • Enchantment Master Paragon /22
    Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Rare Node
    Elemental Balance

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Damage to Elites
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Rare Node

  • +0.3*100% Damage to Elites
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.3*100% Damage to Elites if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node

  • +[30] Armor
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[30] Armor if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0125*100% Damage Reduction
  • Rare Node

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +[0.025 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node
    Suffused Resilience

  • 0.05*100% Damage Reduction
  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.005 * 100|1%|] Attack Speed
  • Rare Node

  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Legendary Node
    Enchantment Master

    Your Enchantments are 20% stronger.
    Glyph Socket: 5 Strength, 40 Intelligence, 30 Willpower, 15 Dexterity
    Fundamental Release Paragon /25
    Normal Node
    Board Attachment Gate

  • +5 Strength
  • +5 Intelligence
  • +5 Willpower
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Intelligence
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Willpower
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Dexterity
  • Normal Node
  • +5 Strength
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Willpower
  • Magic Node
  • +0.025*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +[0.02 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +7 Dexterity
  • Rare Node
    Lightning Cutter

  • +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +0.25*100% Vulnerable Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node
    Elemental Balance

  • +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage
  • +10 Intelligence
  • Bonus: Another +[0.2 * 100|1%|] Non-Physical Damage if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Dexterity
  • Normal Node
    Glyph Socket

    Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • +[7.5] Armor
  • Magic Node
  • 0.01*100% Maximum Life
  • Magic Node
  • 0.015*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies
  • +[30] Armor
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [630 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • Rare Node

  • 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies
  • 0.04*100% Maximum Life
  • Bonus: Another 0.06*100% Damage Reduction from Vulnerable Enemies if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Legendary Node
    Fundamental Release

    Each time you apply Vulnerable, Burning, or Critically Strike an enemy, they take 10|%x|% increased damage from you, up to 30|%x|%.
    Glyph Socket: 10 Strength, 25 Intelligence, 25 Willpower, 20 Dexterity
    Magic Node
  • +0.03*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Magic Node
  • +0.02*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • Magic Node
  • 0.0125*100% Damage Reduction
  • Magic Node
  • +0.0075*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Rare Node

  • +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies
  • +0.3*100% Critical Strike Damage
  • Bonus: Another +0.2*100% Damage to Burning Enemies if requirements met:
  • [230 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Rare Node
    Suffused Resilience

  • 0.05*100% Damage Reduction
  • +0.03*100% Resistance to All Elements
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [700 + (455 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence
  • [190 + (70 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [210 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Willpower
  • Bonus: Another 0.05*100% Damage Reduction if requirements met:
  • [190 + (75 * EquipIndex)] Intelligence